An International Refereed journal annually published by the Scottish Church College, Kolkata.
ISSN 0973-8738
The journal of humanities and social sciences, an international refereed journal, is annually published by Scottish Church College [Established in 1830 & affiliated to the University of Calcutta], for interdisciplinary studies of humanities like literature, language, literary criticism, philosophy, religion, cultural studies, etc as well as social sciences like political science, linguistics, psychology, psychoanalysis, juridical science, sociology, economics, geography, history, anthropology, film studies, etc. The divisions are of course tentative, arbitrary and overlapping. The journal discusses issues from various points of view, such as- liberalism, empiricism, positivism, Marxism, structuralism, psychoanalysis, postmodernism, deconstruction, feminism, subaltern studies school, postcolonialism etc.
The journal was first published in 2004 with Dr. Pradip Basu as the Chief Editor and Dr. Supratim Das and Dr. Smita Nath as Associate Editors.
About the Journal:
It is a theme based journal. Every year a theme is set by the Editorial Board inviting articles on it from all corners of the world. Articles are subject to strict peer review before being approved for publication. The peer reviewing is done by eminent scholars of respective fields but in complete anonymity.
Over the years response to the call for articles has improved tremendously.
We have often received and is still receiving articles from international scholars.
This is a journal which is one of its kind in the academic map of Kolkata especially among the undergraduate colleges. We have been successfully publishing this for the last twelve years and hoping to take it forward to greater heights of intellectual and scholarly excellence in the future.
Instructions to the Authors:
The contributions should be emailed to:
It should be noted that we will publish only the first ten articles which receive positive referee report.
Works cited should be listed at the end of the article and references should be made thus-
Articles in Journals/Anthologies
Craner, Carl, 'Towards a Theory of Respect for Persons', American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct. 1975, pp. 300-312.
Harris, Erol. E., 'Respect for Persons' in Richard T. George (ed.), Ethics and Society, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1961.
Davidson, D., 'Truth and Meaning', in D. Davidson, Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986.
Single Authored Books
Basu, Pradip, Postmodernism Marxism Postcolonialism, Avenel Press, Kolkata, 2010.
Joint Authored Books
McCrea, Lawrence J., and Patil, Parimal G., Buddhist Philosophy of Language in India: Jñānaśrīmitra on Exclusion, New York, Columbia University Press, 2010, pp. 63-65.
Edited Books
Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi, 'Traders and Trades in Old Calcutta' in Sukanta Chaudhuri (ed.) Calcutta The Living City, The Past, Vol. I, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010 (Fourth Impression).
Translated Books
Descartes, René, Discourse on Method and the Meditations, F. E. Sutcliffe (trans.), Great Britain, Penguin Books, 1980.
More than one publication in the same year by the same author
The year of publication to be marked as XXXa, XXXb, and so on.
Repeated Reference
Basu, Op.cit., p. 22.
Citation from online material
http:/ (visited on 02.02.2019)
Guideline for the Referee:
Check whether the contents are compatible with the theme of the journal. 2. Check word limit (5000 words including notes and references). Do not reject if it is simply over or way under. Please judge the contents then decide and suggest accordingly. 3. Be strict with language. Too many grammatical mistakes and very poor language can be considered as grounds for rejection. 4. Please check the references ----whether proper references with page numbers, publisher, year, etc. is given. If not, strong recommendation for their inclusion should be made. 5. If referencing is poor or absent, article may be rejected. 6. Please mention clearly whether the article is publishable or not.
The present Journal Committee:
President (ex-officio) |
Dr. Madhumanjari Mandal (Principal) |
Chief Editors |
Dr. Shrimoyee Guha Thakurta & Dr. Varbi Roy |
Treasurer |
Dr. Monalisa Basu |
Members |
Dr. Debanjana Basu Dr. Debashis Ghosh Dr. Deepti Myriam Joseph Dr. Lalita Ray Dr. Riddhi Bhattacharya Dr. Sushmita Gonsalves Sri Vivek Karmakar Dr. Soham Paine
- Amartya Sen Thomas W. Lamont University Professor, and Professor of Economics and Philosophy, at Harvard University
- Ashis Nandy Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
- Binay Bhushan Chaudhuri Formerly of the Department of History, University of Calcutta
- Dipak Kumar Das Formerly of the Department of Political Science, University of Calcutta
- Dipesh Chakraborty Department of History & South Asian Studies, University of Chicago, USA
- Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak Columbia University, USA
- Manas Roy Cultural Studies, School of Liberal Studies, UPES
- Partha Chatterjee Professor of Anthropology and South Asian Studies, Columbia University, USA
- Pradip Basu Formerly of the Department of Political Science and Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, Presidency University Founder-Editor, jhss, Former Faculty, Scottish Church College
- Shefali Moitra Formerly of the Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University
- Sobhanlal Dutta Gupta Formerly of the Department of Political Science, University of Calcutta
- Suranjan Das Vice-Chancellor, Adamas University
- Late Amiya K Bagchi, Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, Alok Ray, Arup Mallik, Kalyan Sanyal, Asghar Ali Engineer and Sukumari Bhattacharji also acted as our advisors in the past. We deeply mourn their absence.
Circulation of the journal:
The journal committee works hard to build a wide circulation for the journal. All the prominent colleges in Kolkata have been approached and most of them have agreed to and have purchased copies of the journal for their respective libraries.
We have also reached out to international institutions with positive response including one American university purchasing all available copies of the journal.
The Numbers of the Journal:
- No. 1, 2004, Theme: India Today
- No. 2, 2005, Theme: East and West
- No. 3, 2006, Theme: Modernity
- No. 4, 2007, Open Theme
- No. 5, 2008, Theme: Contemporary Issues: 1
- No. 6, 2009, Theme: Contemporary Issues: 2
- No. 7, 2010, Theme: Culture and Society
- No. 8, 2011, Theme: Politics and Society
- No. 9, 2012, Theme: Issues in History
- No. 10, 2013, Theme: Issues in Philosophy
- No. 11, 2014, Theme: Gender and Society
- No.12, 2015, Theme: The Question of Development
- No.13, 2016, Theme: Postmodernism and its critique
- No.14, 2017, Theme: Protest and Mass Movement
- No. 18, 2021, Theme: Pandemic Outbreak: Impact, Challenges and Opportunities
- No. 19, 2022, Theme: Humanities for the Environment
- No. 20, 2024, Theme: Open Theme
- No. 21, 2025, Theme: Open Theme (Forthcoming)
Activities of the Journal Committee other than publishing journal annually:
Organizing International Symposiums:
Two symposiums were organised on 20th June 2008 and 10th July 2008 by the jhss committee. The basic idea was for academic researchers addressing 'Contemporary Issues' irrespective of their own specialized fields of research and taking positions as well as expressing their opinions on those issues. The overall idea was 'Young Foreign Researchers meet Researchers of Journal on Contemporary Issues'.
The theme for the first day was 'Contemporary Issues and India' and that for the second day was 'Contemporary Issues and the world'.
The participants were: Alberta Ferrario, Jennifer Oetken, John Stevens, Kelsea Ballantyne, Martin Aranguren Ben Baer, Sjahari Pullam, Joel Bordeaux, Andy Liu, Dr. Shrimoyee Guha Thakurta, Dr. Esita Sur, Dr. Monalisa Basu.
The first Symposium was chaired by Dr. Kaberi Chatterjee of the Department of English, Scottish Church College, Kolkata.
The second Symposium was chaired by Prof. Ben Baer, Faculty, Princeton University, U.S.A.
Study Circle:
The jhss had organised a study circle which existed from March 2008-February 2010. This circle used to meet every Friday from 03:00 P.M.-05:00 P.M. It was a circle for the members of jhss. The study circle held lectures delivered by the then Chief Editor Prof. Pradip Basu, as well as the other editors and members of the jhss. The circle held lectures and discussions on various academic topics which included- modernity, post modernism, feminism, various aspects of Marxism, different dimensions of globalization, subaltern history, gender studies, current affairs and epistemology. This study circle became very popular amongst its members but unfortunately it was discontinued on account of certain logistical problems.
jhss Lecture Series:
The journal collective has launched the 'jhss Lecture Series' from 2018-2019. The first lecture of the series was delivered by Prof. Samita Sen, Dean, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Law & Management, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. The topic was 'Wives and Workers: Child Marriage in West Bengal'.
It was held on 21st August, 2018 in the SCC Seminar Room before an audience that included students from various disciplines of humanities and social sciences, research scholars and faculty members of various colleges, Prof. Sen enthralled all with her well documented arguments on the said topic. The lecture was followed by a lively interactive session. The occasion was also graced by the founder editor, Prof. Pradip Basu, Department of Political Science, Presidency University, Kolkata, who gave a brief insight into the engaging story of the journey of the journal since its inception in 2003.
The second lecture of the 'jhss Lecture Series' was held on 17th September, 2019, 02:45 P.M. onwards in the College Seminar Room. Its theme was selected keeping in mind the country wide celebration of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The lecture was titled 'Learning Leadership: Mahatma Gandhi’s Elusive Leadership' and was delivered by the Vice Principal of the College and Associate Professor of the Department of History, Dr. Supratim Das, who has been closely engaged with Gandhian studies for several years. He addressed an audience of students of the departments of humanities and social sciences and scholars and faculties of this college and other colleges as well. The lecture was followed by a lively interactive session with the students.
The third lecture of the 'jhss Lecture Series' was held on 22nd April, 2022, 02:00 P.M. onwards in the College Seminar Room. The theme this year was 'Women’s Rights and National Legal Framework: Mapping Laws on Violence Against Women'. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Ruchira Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, NUJS, Kolkata. The purpose was to expose the students of the departments of humanities and social sciences and faculties of this college present, to the legal aspects of violence against women and special emphasis was given to harassment at workplace. Though the lecture dealt with some serious issues, but the speaker was very much successful in getting her points across to the students through lively interactions and popular references that they could easily relate to.
The fourth lecture titled 'Sexual Harrassment at Workplace: Understanding the Law with specific reference to Educational Institutions' was delivered by Prof. Ruchira Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, NUJS, Kolkata, on 6th December 2023. This lecture was organized in collaboration with the Woman and Gender Development Cell of SCC as well as the departments of History, Philosophy and Political Science.
Future Plans:
A programme for digitisation of the journal including the previous numbers will be worked upon to enable us to reach out to a larger audience.
Photo Gallery:
Prof. Amartya Senour Advisor, was presented with journal by
Chief Editor Prof. Pradip Basu on 09.08.08.
Prof. Ashis Nandyour Advisor, being presented with his
complimentary copy by Dr. Shrimoyee Guha Thakurta.
Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivakour Advisor, was presented with journal by associate editors Smt. Varbi Roy and Dr. Shrimoyee Guha Thakurta on 15.12.08.
Prof. Amartya Senour Advisor, was presented with journal by
one of the members of the journal collective Dr. Lalita Ray on 30.12.10.
Late Prof. Asghar Ali Engineerthe eminent scholar and one of the
Advisors of the
jhss with his complimentary copy.
Late Prof. Alok Rayeminent scholar and one of the Advisors of the
jhss, was presented with his complimentary copy by Dr. Lalita Ray.
Prof. Shefali Moitraone of our Advisors being presented
with a copy of the journal by Smt. Varbi Roy, one iof the Joint Editors of the journal in 2013.
Prof. Sobhonlal Datta Guptaone of our Advisors being presented with a copy of the journal by Dr. Riddhi Bhattacharya, a member of the journal collective in 2014.
Prof. Manas Rayone of our Advisors being presented with a copy of the journal by Dr. Varbi Roy, one of the Joint Editors of the journal in 2015.
Prof. Partha Chatterjeeour Advisor, being presented with his complimentary copy by Dr. Shrimoyee Guha Thakurta, one of the Joint Editors of the journal in 2015.
JHSS Lecture SeriesProf. Samita Sen delivers her lecture
as Prof. Pradip Basu looks on.
Prof. Suranjan Dasone of our Advisors being presented with a copy of the journal by Smt. Varbi Roy, one of the Joint Editors of the journal in 2019.
JHSS Lecture SeriesDr. Supratim Das being felicitated by Dr. Arpita Mukerji, Principal, as the speaker of the second
jhss lecture.
Dr. Shrimoyee Guha Thakurta and
Dr. Varbi Roy, the Joint Chief Editors of the journal with former Principal,
Dr. Arpita Mukerji launching the Number 14 in 2017.
Few members of the journal collective with the
Principal, Dr. Madhumanjari Mandal.
The Journal Collective 2022-23
The third lecture was delivered by Prof. Ruchira Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, NUJS, Kolkata, on 22nd April, 2022.
The fourth lecture was delivered by Prof. Ruchira Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, NUJS, Kolkata, on 6th December 2023.